Chestnuthill Township Departments
Chestnuthill Township's offices are located at 271 Route 715 South, Brodheadsville PA 18322. The mailing address for the Township is PO Box 243 Route 715 South Brodheadsville, PA 18322. The office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Township Directory provides contact information for all departments.
Meet the Administration Department and find their responsibilities
Find information about the Building Codes Department
Find information about the Emergency Services Departments, including the West End Community Ambulance Association, Community Emergency Response Team, West End Fire Company, and the PA State Police.
Learn about the Parks Department and the different Parks in our area
Find information on the responsibilities of the Planning Department
Get information on the Road Department and their responsibilities
Find information on the Sewage Department
Find information on the Zoning Department at Chestnuthill Township​