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CJERP Regional Planning Committee

The CJERP Regional Planning Committee Meetings are held at 7 PM in the Chestnuthill Township Municipal Building. The CJERP meetings are on the fourth Thursday of every month. CJERP discusses Regional matters/issues that impact Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross, and Polk Townships. They make recommendations related to plans that impact the whole Region. 

Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross, & Polk Townships (CJERP) Regional Planning Committee: 

Carl B. Gould II - Chairman (Chestnuthill Township Representative)

Robert Boileau - Vice Chairman (Eldred Township Representative)

Michael Hurley - Secretary (Polk Township Representative)

Mark Werkheiser - Member (Jackson Township Representative)

James Zahoroiko - Member (Ross Township Representative)

John Mathews - Alt. Member (Chestnuthill Township Representative)

Robin Hartshorn - Alt. Member (Jackson Township Representative)

Blaine Silfies - Alt. Member (Eldred Township Representative)

Roger Christman - Alt. Member (Ross Township Representative)

Mark Giunta - Alt. Member (Polk Township Representative)

Matt Neeb - CJERP Liaison

Cathy Martinelli - CJERP Right-To-Know Officer

Karen Hayes - CJERP Recording Secretary 

James V. Fareri - CJERP Solicitor

Christine Meinhart-Fritz - Monroe County Planning Commission 

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